Seedling School Udaipur is the best school in Udaipur with CBSE
Board. It is a private institution run by the seedling group.
Seedling School is one of the best CBSE school in Udaipur which is
the largest educational board in the country. Seedling is one the
best International School among all the schools in Udaipur.
The school's traditions and accessibility to a broad curriculum
add depth to each student’s life. The school upholds the
founders' commitment to excellence in all fields, with emphasis
on its motto WE GROW TO BLOOM.
The school considers education to be a lifelong process which
should have a strong foundation. The goal of the school is to
inculcate in the students a love for learning and a desire to excel
at every level.
Choose best for your little ones! Admissions Open 2018-19 for
Seedling Schools Udaipur.