School District 622 Volunteer Handbook 2018-2019 school year | Page 6
Volunteer Program Mission
As part of the School District 622 Strategic Plan in 2017, four strategies were identified.
1. We will engage our internal and external community to help us achieve our mission and mission outcomes.
2. We will develop and enhance community partnerships that support our mission and align with our core values.
3. We will develop and enhance programs and practices that ensure engagement of our diverse learners to
achieve our mission outcomes.
4. We will build competitive 622 E-12 pathways that prepare all students for post-secondary.
All of these strategies are impacted by the relationships the district forms with the community. The volunteers
who serve in our district have a direct impact on the outcome of these strategies.
The mission of our program is to serve students and staff by coordinating the resources of the community to
enhance educational opportunities and provide positive role models for students.
Provide individualized educational assistance to students in the PK-12 program.
Provide support to adult program participants who participate in Adult Basic Education, Adult Enrichment,
Community Bridge, Next Step and Meals on Wheels.
Strengthen school-community relations by providing increased opportunities for parents and community
to participate in schools.
Provide students with positive role models.
Provide support services to educators to enable them to have more meaningful instructional time.
Everyone benefits when you volunteer….students, school, community and you!
Benefits to students:
Increased learning and academic success
Association with additional positive role models
Increased self confidence and motivation to learn
Benefits to volunteers:
Experience the satisfaction of helping students achieve
Opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise
Expanded understanding of what is happening in our schools
Opportunity to meet new people and develop skills
Benefits to schools:
Increased parent and community involvement
Improved student achievement
Enable staff to devote more quality time teaching
Generates more advocates for students, schools and education