School District 622 Volunteer Handbook 2018-2019 school year | Page 10
Volunteer Support
Volunteer Placement
Your volunteer assignment is determined by your interest, preferences and skills. These will be indicated on your
volunteer application, as well as the volunteer service needs of individual schools and teachers. Volunteers are
placed with staff who have specifically requested assistance. Sometimes a volunteer placement may not be the
right fit for the volunteer, staff, student or program. If your volunteer placement does not work for you, for
whatever reason, please let your building volunteer coordinator know immediately.
In supporting the best interests of our students and the district; a principal or district administrator has the
authority to remove a volunteer from their position if the partnership has proven to be unsuitable.
Volunteer Assignment Notification Form
Once volunteers are matched to a volunteer assignment, they will receive a volunteer assignment notification
form. This notification will include information such as: assignment location, name and contact information of
staff you will be working with, assignment description, dates and time of assignment and any other needed
Volunteer Orientation, Training and Networking Opportunities
The district will offer ​ new volunteer orientations​ (, one per month.
One training will be offered during the day and one will be offered in the evening.