VOL . 2 , NUMBER 2
school-busride . com
NAPT Wishes Charlie Hood a Happy Retirement
By Stephen A . Simmons III
One positive from the awful and continuing COVID experience is an appreciation of many things we formerly may have taken for granted , and of the value of quality time with family and friends ( 6-feet apart and with masks , of course ). It has focused us on what is important in life , and not the trivial matters that often drain our energy . And in that spirit , it is a great pleasure for me on behalf of the NAPT family to recognize in this issue the retirement of one of the best to ever grace the yellow bus industry — Charlie Hood . Do not miss our exclusive interview with Charlie where he shares thoughts and insight from his long , impressive career , beginning as a bus mechanic , advancing through the ranks to become state director for Florida , and then executive director of the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services ( NASDPTS ). Charlie is tremendously well-respected and has contributed much to helping school transportation achieve a safety record that is the envy of the transportation world . Those who have had the pleasure of working with him are aware he is insightful , collaborative , and tirelessly dedicated to making pupil transportation the best it can be . He and his wife Della will now have many tomorrows to pursue their many and varied personal interests , all without the need of waking up to an alarm clock . I would say , “ Come on down to Florida , Charlie , the weather is great ,” but , as usual , he is way ahead of me and did not need to go through 60 winters in Ohio to figure that out . What would a retirement send-off be without a humorous story ? The best I have heard was when , after attending more school bus conferences than you can shake a stop arm at , Charlie and some of his school bus friends decided to do an “ unconference .” It included a few “ special events ,” like a “ ride-and-drive ” on a boat , for example . Legend has it the ride-and-drive was not great – though Charlie will tell you a bad day fishing beats a good day at work anytime – because the “ hydration station ” ran dry and the boat ’ s motor conked out . Here is where the story gets really interesting . While Charlie tried to use his technician training to coax the engine back to life - and there was a panel discussion about whether the boat had an adequate pre-trip inspection - a very large alligator apparently noticed the kerfuffle and swam toward the boat . Florida gators are patient , have keen instincts , and are always hungry . But Charlie pointed out to the gator that its would-be meals were not your regular , red blooded variety of humans , but the rare , yellow-blooded species that can be very resourceful when challenged by difficult circumstances . The wise old gator submerged and was not seen again . Charlie eventually got the motor restarted and everyone thankfully lived to tell the tale . Anyway , THANK YOU Charlie , for your indelible contributions to student transportation , too numerous to list . Retire knowing you will always be remembered for not just a job well done , but for your wonderful friendship and comradery . Everyone involved in NAPT is wishing you the best of luck and happiness in the time ahead . Godspeed to you and your family .
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Stephen A . Simmons III President National Association for Pupil Transportation ®
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