From your perspective as head of NASDPTS , what would you say is a point of pride from that period in your career ? The leadership we have provided through our position papers and other guidance has been important . As examples , we researched and developed positions on the importance of school bus driver professionalism and qualifications and the added safety value of lap shoulder belts in school buses . Early on , in the 1990s and prior , most of us in student transportation were opposed to the idea of two-point lap belts , which we knew to be an outmoded technology in the automotive world . At that time there was evidence that two-point lap belts in a compartmentalized school bus seating environment might cause more head and neck injuries . However , no technology to incorporate three-point lap / shoulder belts into school buses had been developed . What we know now , is that school buses should have the superior protection provided by lap / shoulder belts . The flex seating technology developed around 2008 allows for the installation of lap / shoulder belts without reducing school bus capacity . There are several states that now require lapshoulder belts in all new school buses . We strengthened the NASDPTS position favoring lap / shoulder belts to augment compartmentalization in our latest position paper , “ Lap / shoulder Belts in School Buses ,” released in May 2020 . Obviously , NASDPTS has no regulatory authority , but we felt we needed to include the latest information and reiterate that as an organization of state leaders of student transportation we favor the installation of lap / shoulder belts in new school buses . There will always be questions that need to be researched more thoroughly , but there is a considerable body of evidence , discussed in the paper , that supports the position . One other NASDPTS project I would cite is the annual illegal passing survey the association conceived and developed . Loading and unloading safety is where students are most vulnerable as school bus riders . Although we know that kids in and around school buses are incredibly safe , we also know that they are most vulnerable during the school bus portion of their day as pedestrians outside the bus . Some of us have asked ourselves , " Why do we keep doing this survey every year ? All it does is prove the same thing over and over and over ," which is to document the incredible number of illegal passes of school buses every year by the motoring public . We all know , however , that getting the attention of legislators , policymakers , parents , motorists , and others , in acknowledging the problem has been a useful tool in driving policy changes . The 15 million plus illegal passes our survey has estimated each school year has prompted some states to improve their enforcement , their laws , and increase penalties in many cases . The data has also captured the attention of federal safety agencies , like the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , which recently announced some initiatives designed to drive new safety countermeasures .
What have you learned of the value of working and collaborating with various industry associations ? The value of working together is that none of us individually has all the answers . We depend on each other . The collaboration with anyone who can contribute to the conversation is important . For example , recently we all learned about the President ' s Executive Order mandating the wearing of masks by drivers and passengers of all public transportation vehicles . By working together with my cohorts at the other associations we were able to research the issue and answer the predictable questions that we knew our respective members would have . In terms of government entities , they know that if they are talking to any one of us , we probably represent the others as well in terms of the broad issues that we are dealing with in student transportation . One formal way we collaborate , in addition to the ongoing dayto-day , ad hoc collaboration , is through the American School Bus Council , which includes not just the three associations , but also the three major school bus manufacturers . Through ASBC , we have helped internal and external stakeholders understand the benefits of school bus ridership in terms of environmental benefits , safety benefits , and equitable access to education . The fact is school buses are the best way for kids to get to school when they are available .
Looking back on your whole career , what is an important lesson learned from your time both statewide and nationally ? At the high point in my office , we had 10 professionals and two support staff , so I never had a huge staff . The one thing I learned that is applicable at all levels of management , regardless of the size of one ’ s organization , is the importance of servant leadership . Over time , it became apparent to me that my job and the definition of success for me as a manager was whether I was able to ensure that my people were successful . Was I able to help put them in a position where they were qualified to take my job , or any job they chose in student transportation ? I always felt more like an orchestra leader . Working to avoid micromanagement helped them develop as individuals , professionals , and staff members . Everyone is different and requires a different approach that respects their individual needs and styles . Your overall job is to make them successful . That can be somewhat selfish because the end result is that a manager does not have to work as hard if subordinates are doing a good job . That is my philosophy of management . I believe that being a successful manager does not just happen , it is something you must work at .
What is next for you ? I have not thought that much about what comes after school transportation . While I do not plan to remain in any paid capacity , I have expressed to the NASDPTS board that whatever they need , I will be available . I will be happy to help however I can . In terms of personal life , Della and I would like to resume traveling when conditions allow , and hopefully some of that travel will involve our friends in the school bus business . We want to do more international traveling and explore some new hobbies . I am looking forward to remaining physically active and pursuing an array of interests . Certainly giving back through some forms of volunteer work will be on life ’ s agenda . For many , many years , one of the things on my bucket list has been to study the history of jazz . I bleed yellow and I bleed NASDPTS , but I am also looking forward to completing some long-delayed home projects . Those who know me understand that cooking and consuming a variety of adventurous cuisine have always been among my guilty pleasures . Cooking school and more food tourism are not out of the question ! I hope if any friends and colleagues in the yellow bus world ever come through Tallahassee , they will call me up so we can go to lunch and catch up .
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