The School Year Realities …
By Dr . Molly McGee-Hewitt NAPT Executive Director & CEO
For anyone who has ever worked for a school district you understand the rhythm and realities of the school year . July 1 to June 30 are the dates that we live by . So , April is the start of our tenth month and final quarter of the year . That means our NAPT members are knee deep in executing current operations , working to stay within financial capacities , while simultaneously planning for the 24-25 school year . I know that this is no easy feat . When I used to work in schools , the time following spring break would often show a change in the attitudes in myself and my colleagues , and not always for the better . I would call this time , “ Schoolaria ,” as it reminded me of malaria , in that it lingered for a couple of months , and it brought about a short temperedness , mean spiritedness , and lack of cooperation in some folks . In truth , our normal work became a little more challenging . It would even spread to students and parents ! As leaders , we must always remember that our behaviors , attitudes , and words show who we are , what we stand for , how we operate , and what we expect from others . If we get a case of “ Schoolaria ,” others will take our lead and the services that we provide to our students will suffer . We are only human though so during these times , I encourage all of you ( including myself ) to remember how the start of the school year feels . I always loved the start of school . Starts , beginnings , and first times are always exciting ! The feeling of hope and enthusiasm echoes through the air ! In some districts , they have back to school events and motivational speakers to kick off the new year . In truth , it is more likely that we need those types of events later in the year ! By remembering how the start of the school year feels , it will help to finish strong ! It is how we start and how we finish the year that will make a difference ; both should have the same enthusiasm and excitement . By taking on the idea that the start comes with hope and the end brings about a celebration of accomplishments , you can see the school year in its entirety and fight through a case of “ Schoolaria .” Now , reflect on all that you have done this year ! Think of your safety records , your outstanding personnel , and every activity that worked well for you and your team . Are you impressed ? You should be ! So , if you are seeing signs of “ Schoolaria ” in your operations , nip it in the bud quickly . Use your team meetings to celebrate successes and great work . Use a You Tube Video or Ted Talk to offer a speaker or a thought to your crew . Dress up and care about how you come to work ! When you exit your vehicle at the start of your day , put on your positive leadership armor ! Have a positive attitude , be enthusiastic , and bring energy to your work team ! Never underestimate the impact that you have as a leader ! Your words and your behaviors can turn negative or challenging situations into positive encounters . Your attitude toward your work and toward our profession is a part of your executive tool kit . Like many of you , I get tired , frustrated , even hurt on occasion , but I know that even when I am not 100 %, I have choices to make . I choose to do my best and endeavor to be a positive force for our association , my team , and myself . How about you ? Can you say the same ? How will you end this school year ?
With love , respect , and a knowing nod ,
school-busride . com VOL . 5 , NUMBER 4
Dr . Molly McGee-Hewitt NAPT Executive Director & CEO molly @ napt . org
Richard G . Tackett Editor in Chief rtackett @ school-busride . com
Judi Victor Publisher jvfly @ school-busride . com
Stephen Gamble Art Director sgamble @ school-busride . com
Emma Green Assistant Editor egreen @ school-busride . com
Mitch Larson Business & Accounting Manager mlarson @ school-busride . com
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