Sceneazine April 15 - May 14, 2015 | Page 9 are so lucky to have been accepted to quickly in the metal scene here. It is hard to find anything to change. I think more people should be out there going to shows but that’s everywhere in this country. Get off the computer and go out to a live show. Where do you see this band in a year or two? Do you guys, as a band have any goals you want to reach this year? There are always goals to reach when you’re in a band. We hope to eventually be on the road 3 times a year and hopefully no one has to work a day job when they are home! HAHA This year we have a tour coming up this May on the west and we hope to do some regional stuff in August or September and through out the year playing all around Texas. Speaking of social media sites, do you think that online presence like Facebook or Twitter are important for a band? Do you guys use any? We think online presence is extremely important. We use all of the main sites to promote the band. While that is said we do believe “the old fashion way” of promoting should be done along side of the online presence. Fans don’t just want to look at a screen. Bands should be out there with flyers and at other local shows promoting their events and talking to fans. No band is too good to not interact with people who care about their music. Do you guys play out much? Do only play locally or do you get to tour much? We definitely tour a lot. Touring is the key success to a band. When you are on the road you’re there to gain fans and sell your merchandise. We do play locally plenty but we moved half way across the US to tour and be more serious about what we love to do. What’s your opinion of your music scene? And what would you like to see change if anything? If you would have asked us this question while we lived in California we would have plenty to say about the local scene there. Here in ATX its been absolutely amazing. Texans are spoiled and have no idea what they have here compared to where we came from. We If you were asked to describe your band’s sound or who you sound like, what would you say? Its really hard to name one band we sound like because we don’t feel like we sound like one band. I would say a drop of Suicide Silence with a splash of Slipknot and a dash of Killswitch Engage. Who would you guys say was the biggest musical or non-musical influence on each of you? And why? Amanda- My 3 main influences are Suicide Silence, Lady Gaga, and Slipknot Riles- My 3 main influences are Korn, Slipknot, and Killswitch Engage Isaac- Trivium, Megadeth, Children of Bodom Quinton- My 3 Main influences are Trivium, Warbringer, and Testament Chris- My 3 main influences are A Day to Remember, The Color Morale, and Of Mice and Men. A lot of the reason we are influenced by so many different bands is because of the style we grew up listening to. We are all so different in influence which makes it interesting for the writng process but is always fun to see what we can mash together. As a band do you guys have a favorite place to play? What makes it your favorite? Oh man this is hard. It depends on what state and city we are talking about. We always love to play our home shows at Red House in Walnut Creek, CA. Then our current home shows at the Dirty Dog in Austin TX. We use to play this place in Washington called the Clam Shack and that place was bombbbb. We love playing Nashville too. There are soo many places we love to play its hard to say a favorite. Let’s get everyone’s opinion on this. If someone ask you for advice about being in a band or about starting one, what would you say? Would you encourage or discourage them? Well we would pat their back and say “Look here son/daughter… it’s a tough world out there” lol Can’t say we would discourage them but if they want to make money and be famous we would tell them not to play Metal! What are some of your likes and dislikes about being in a band? We love the experiences we make and the people we meet, especially on the road. I think we all hate the fact that playing music burns a hole in our pockets. When something gets fixed something else breaks. It’s a never ending cycle, but its all worth it to us in the end. Who have guys shared a stage with? Any national acts? We have shared the stage with numbers of amazing and talented bands from all over the world. Some of the Major ones are: Jamies Elsewhere, Bohemoth, Arsonist Get All The Girls, Wayne Static, Goat Whore, Abigail Williams, In Dying Arms, The Agonist, We are the Riot, Kingdom of Giants, Fallujah… and more. Most bands dream of making it big or getting signed. Do you guys have that dream or do you care if you get a recording contract? We are currently on a smaller record label called Nemesis Media and we are signed onto an agency called The Sight Set North Agency. As for people who have the dream of making it big or getting signed, if that’s the reason you are playing music then get out. Major Record labels are extremely overrated and just about any band can do with out them. We do believe once you get to a certain level book agency are needed a long with PR agents. It becomes a lot to deal with and coming from experience booking a tour by yourself is extremely hard. Never the less it can be done. How do you balance your music with other obligations like school, work, or girlfriend? Casket of Cassandra is our #1 priority to all of us. Of course we all need to pay rent and be able to live when we aren’t on the road but we would never put each other in a position to where we couldn’t tour. We all have day jobs that support what we do. As for Girlfri ends… continue on page 28 Page 9