SCCA Magazine Spring 2016 | Page 18

International Invitational Events
As reported previously , Richard Beecham looks likely to finish in a share of second place in the strong and prestigious Adrian Hollis Memorial event . More recently Tom Matheis and George Pyrich have started out in new events , Tom in a very strong event , the Germany Advanced Masters 02-B and George in the considerably less formidable Glenn Shields Memorial event organised by the USA Federation and dedicated to the memory of a long serving member and official . Meantime Geoff Lloyd is carrying the flag in the WCCF Congress Invitational event organised by the Welsh Federation to mark its hosting of the ICCF Congress .
ICCF Olympiad 20 Preliminaries
Unfortunately the start of this event planned for the end of 2015 will be deferred until the previous cycle is completed , perhaps sometime during summer 2016 .
International Selection Committee
Our Executive Committee recently gave approval to the formation of a Selection Committee for International Team events comprising George Pyrich , Richard Beecham and Tom Matheis . The Committee ’ s first task was team selection for the new North Atlantic Team Tournament ( NATT 7 ).
SCCA Magazine 133 17 Spring 2016