ScatterDOTFashion Publications: Convention Edition October 2013 | Page 7



Furthermore, something that is not often felt at the end of a convention was palpable through the entire room. After a charity auction had completed, wrapping up the final event of the con, and moved us into closing ceremonies, everyone in that room from staff to guests and attendees felt a sense of comradery. That when all was said and done not only did the convention supply us all a great time, but in turn the attendees never took it for granted.

Therein lies the part about this convention which transcended it from being a simple first year con. It brought out the best in the staff, and they did their job as best they could. As a result, it brought out the best in everyone else too. The con director, Mr. Devin Adkins had stated "he wanted more than anything to create good memories and great experiences", a very young fan at the end echoed his hopes and said she "had never had more fun".