Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 92
initiation of social
interactions, and minimal
response to social overtures
from others. markedly interfere with
functioning in all spheres.
Great distress/difficulty
changing focus or action.
Level 2 (Moderate or
Medium) - “Requiring
Substantial Support” Marked deficits in verbal and
nonverbal social
communication skills; social
impairments apparent even
with supports in place;
limited initiation of social
interactions; and reduced or
abnormal responses to social
overtures from others. Inflexibility of behavior,
difficulty coping with change,
or other restricted/repetitive
behaviors appear frequently
enough to be obvious to the
casual observer and interfere
with functioning in a variety
of contexts. Distress and/or
difficulty changing focus or
Level 1(Low) - “Requiring
Support” Without supports in place,
deficits in social
communication cause
noticeable impairments.
Difficulty initiating social
interactions, and clear
examples of atypical or
unsuccessful responses to
social overtures of others.
May appear to have decreased
interest in social interactions. Inflexibility of behavior
causes significant interference
with functioning in one or
more contexts. Difficulty
switching between activities.
Problems of organization and
planning hamper
(See reference: APA, 2013)
Educational Methods
Psychologists and scientists diagnose and study ASD, but educators should have the
biggest social investment in the ASD community beyond the families. For those on the severe
end of the spectrum, educators oftentimes are tasked with preparing these students for either
independent or assisted-living adulthood. High functioning (low severity) students if placed in a
classroom environme nt where students and teachers are cognizant of the behavioral
characteristics of ASD oftentimes have positive experiences versus negative experiences by
similar students in uninformed classrooms (Ochs, Kremer-Sadlik, Solomon, & Sirota, 2001).
There are also a plethora of devices like voice output communication aids (VOCA) or picture
exchange communication system (PECS) that can assist communication with nonverbal artists
(McLesky et al., 2011). Situation-options-consequences-choices-strategies-simulation
(SOCCSS), cartoons, and social stories to help students with ASD counter specific impairments
are used by educators (McLesky et al., 2011). The important information to get from educators
concerning ASD is the necessity for inclusive and focused environments when attempting to
constructive any kind of learning environment. Rehearsals may not be the traditional classroom,
but it is a space where experimentation and learning takes place on a daily basis. Emulating a