Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 85
Maloney 22
Works Cited
Bailey, Jason. "When Spike Lee Became Scary." The Atlantic . Atlantic Media Company, 22 Aug.
2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Corliss, Richard. "Hot Time in Bed-Stuy Tonight." Rev. of Do the Right Thing . Time MAgazine 3
July 1989: 62-64. Print.
Dargis, Manohla. "Review: Spike Lee’s ‘Chi-Raq,’ a Barbed Takedown of Gang Wars, With Sex as
the Weapon." The New York Times . The New York Times, 03 Dec. 2015. Web. 06 Dec.
Ebert, Roger. "Do the Right Thing Movie Review (1989) | Roger Ebert." All Content ., 30 June 1989. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Flory, Dan. "Spike Lee and the Sympathetic Racist." The Journal of Aesthetics and Art
Criticism 64.1 (2006): 67-79. . JSTOR. Web. 6 Dec. 2016.
Hill, Logan. “How I made it: Spike Lee on Do the Right Thing ” (April 7, 2008) New York
Magazine. Web. 06 Dec. 2016
Ho, Amy. "'Chi-Raq' Trades Real Lives in Chicago for Cheap Laughs." .
Chicago Tribune, 07 Jan. 2016. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Klein, Joe. "Spiked?" Rev. of Do the Right Thing . New York Magazine 26 June 1989: 14-15. Web.
6 Dec. 2016.
Kunen, James S. "Spike Lee Inflames the Critics with a Film He Swears Is the Right Thing – Vol.
32 No. 2." . People Magazine, 10 July 1989. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Lee, Spike. "The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb)." Do The Right Thing Script at
IMSDb. Forty Acres and a Mule Filmworks, Ins., 1 Mar. 1988. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.