Nathan Hubert
Simply Watching Yeah . Just let me grab my bags .
ALEXIS grabs the two duffel bags and heads back to MARK .
MARK Don ’ t you want to say goodbye .
ALEXIS looks back at JASON for a moment before turning around .
ALEXIS He won ’ t hear it .
MARK shrugs and the two exit SR .
JASON So there I am , asking people if they had seen my watch when I heard a bit of yelling . I went into the next room and saw a man yelling at a woman . And what happened to be under his left foot ? Why it was the watch that you gave me last month ! So I approached the two , about to ask the man if he could remove his shoe from atop my watch when he shoved the woman . I was shocked when I saw this , and I reeled around and punched the man right in the nose . I will not let a man shove a woman . Not on my watch .
JASON sits down and puts his head between his legs . After a moment of silence , he begins to laugh . He looks up , happily . He holds up a watch .
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) My watch is right here , sweetie . That ’ s part of the new bit I ’ ve been practicing . What did you think ?
JASON looks around for a moment , realizing that ALEXIS is gone , and that the apartment is nearly empty .
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) ( About to cry .) Alexis ?