Scarlet Masque Theatre Journal New Beginnings and Fond Farewells Vol. 1 | Page 108

Nathan Hubert Simply Watching
ALEXIS You never pay any attention to me .
JASON I mean , it ’ s just common sense , right ? You wouldn ’ t want someone going upstairs in our house , would you ?
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) So I didn ’ t go upstairs , even though I knew that there was a chance that either Barry or my watch could be up there . I walk into the next room , and you want to know what ?
ALEXIS You ’ re also really boring .
JASON I ended up in the first room I was in ! Isn ’ t that ridiculous ?
JASON sits back down in the chair .
JASON ( CONT ’ D ) So there I was ; no watch , no Barry , no drink , and I was in the room with the girl in the red or orange dress , who just had to be twenty-five . I just didn ’ t know what to do .
ALEXIS ( Gesturing around herself .) And I don ’ t want to live like this . I thought that I could handle you pursuing your stand-up career , but you ’ re not even funny .
JASON So I walk up to the woman in the red or orange dress , and I ask her “ do you know where that guy I was with went ?” And you know what she did ? She just looked at me like I was stupid or something .