Scarborough Voice Issue #11 - January | Page 2

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst Scarborough Voice (incorporating The Scarborough Advertiser) makes every effort to ensure the material published in the magazine is decent, legal and accurate, it can take no responsibility for any damage or loss which might arise as a result of material published herein. Scarborough Voice (incorporating The Scarborough Advertiser) DOES NOT endorse/ recommend any advertising material and is not responsible for third party advertisers within this magazine. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers or the editor. All material published is the property of Scarborough Voice (incorporating The Scarborough Advertiser) and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Printed in the United Kingdom. Published by Printmaster UK Ltd, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 5LY INCORPORATING THE SCARBOROUGH ADVERTISER The Scarborough Advertiser is still a part of your life. We will be featuring Local Trade sections & firm favourites from the ‘Advertiser’ in this NEW publication. If you want us to bring a feature back, let us know and we’ll try our best! -