Scan Magazine - 50th Edition.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 24

60s photoshoot To mark the 50th Anniversary, SCAN Fashion decided to put together a photo shoot celebrating all the styles of the decade which we still see on catwalks today. From the psychedelic to the super smart, 60s style was all about expression and individuality, which you can see through the huge range of pieces featured in this shoot. Inspiration came in many forms, but centred on university life. As Lancaster was born in ’64, so were the statement styles of the era and we felt the best way to intertwine the two would be to showcase fashion across campus, using students to hark back to the swinging 60s. t, Pretty e kind I like to meeas you.’ y woman, th own the street, Prett th, No one could look as good ing d ‘Pretty woman, walk ve you, you’re not the tru woman, I don’t belie If you see me walking down th e street, And I start to cry ea ch time we meet, Walk on by, walk on by.