Scan Magazine - 50th Edition.pdf Jun. 2014 | Page 20

20 Features Read more online at Culture 14 - 16 Features 17 - 22 Fashion 23 - 27 Lifestyle 29 - 31 21 A tale of nine colleges... C elebrated as one of the most popular choices for incoming students, the largest college on campus and named for the Lancashire County Council, the County College resides in the northernmost point of campus. County’s motto is ‘Nothing Without [The] Council’, and the college colours are blue and bright golden yellow. The County council donated generous sums of money towards the construction of the college and promised to donate £50,000 a year for a decade towards the University’s running costs. The original college building, County Main, was opened in 1969 by Queen Elizabeth II and centres around a large oak tree that is approximately 200 years old - whose roots remained safe as the college buildings were erected. An oak leaf is the logo of County, and it is also included on the college’s Coat of Arms which were officially granted by the College of Arms; the designer of the logo, architect Roger Booth, won an award for it. Unofficially, the motto of the College is ‘Do it for the tree’. In 1978, County West was constructed and in 2004 the college continued to expand into the old buildings that were vacated by Cartmel College. These buildings were refurbished and renamed, and the college bar The Northern Oak replaced the old Cartmel bar – it was reported in Steps, the Lancaster alumni magazine, in 2005 that when construction was complete the college would have doubled in size. County West was demolished in 2007 to make way for the townhouses,