Scaling Up Magazine Scaling Up Magazine Summer 2018 | Page 18

SUMMER '18 18 SCALING UP MASTER'S PROGRAM LAUNCH IN LONDON A GREAT SUCCESS By: Neale Lewis, Gazelles Certified Coach & CEO of Neale Lewis Associates AT THE height of a beautiful spring week in early May, Verne Harnish from Gazelles and Neale Lewis Associates launched the first-ever Scaling Up Master's Program (formerly SUEP) in London. Over two- and-a-half days, top executives from five successful high-growth organizations from across Europe gathered at the Institute of International Strategic Studies to learn what most executive learning programs never teach: how to scale up midsize companies to prepare for rapid growth. The program’s approach for these so- called “gazelle” companies is based on the “4 Decisions” a leader must address to successfully grow their business: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. This framework is drawn from Verne Harnish’s best-selling book Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It and Why the Rest Don’t. Here are some of the issues the group focused on during the program: 1. Clarifying each company’s particul