Winter 2013-14
Spelman College Goes Mobile
Exactly, What Is Mobile Learning?
Mobile learning, sometimes referred to as m-learning, is learning that
can occur at any time, any place, and with any device that is connected
to the Internet. Through mobile learning, students are not only
exposed to the vast amount of information the Internet contains, but
also instantaneous collaboration among classmates, teachers, and
possibly the global community at large. Click here to view the twelve
principles of mobile learning.
Tips for Getting Started with Mobile Learning
Think about what you are trying to achieve by incorporating mobile
devices into your curriculum. Are you trying to encourage collaboration?
Are you trying to encourage introverted students to participate in the
class discussions? Do you want to conduct an interactive assignment
during lecture? Do you think subject specific apps would be useful?
Survey your students about what devices they have and how they use
them. Ask if they have internet capability to research or upload
information, pictures, or video. Ask if they have unlimited texting. With
this information, you will have a complete picture of what resources your
students can access without having to pay massive extra fees.
Encourage students to make suggestions about which apps work for
them. This allows everyone to contribute to your mobile learning
initiative and the sense of community in m-learning is established.
Articles for Review
“7 Things You Should Know About Mobile Apps for Learning,”
“Exploring Students’ Mobile Learning Practices in Higher Education,”
“How Students Use Technology Outside the Classroom,”
Ed Tech Magazine
Join us in piloting the new Spelman College
mobile application, accessible from any mobile
device. From this mobile app you can now view
important numbers, a map of the campus,
Banner self-service, the MIT website, courses,
grades, student accounts and the bookstore. For
more info, visit
We’re interested in your feedback. Email us at:
Two Sides to Every Story: Pros and Cons to
Incorporating Mobile Learning in the College Classroom
There are numerous study apps dedicated to fields of study
students engage everyday.
Students may not always have their laptops with them, but
most always have their smartphones which can be used to
research information for discussion in real-time.
These instruments assist with class engagement as students
are able to respond to poll questions, tweet responses, or
research information while in class. This proves beneficial no
matter how introverted a student may be.
The Internet is at students’ disposal. They are able to
retrieve large amounts of information at any given time.
Tools such as calendars help to keep students organized.
Can be mechanisms for distraction that interferes with
learning of not only the user but other students as well.
May reduce student’s cognitive ability due to information
and utilities (such as calculators and dictionaries) being
readily available.
May become an issue of fairness if some students do not
own cell phones or own cell phones that are incapable of
uses that smart phones possess.
Could be used as devices for dishonorable conduct such as
taking a picture of test questions and sending to a friend in a
different section.
View How a Professor at DePaul University Integrates M-learning!
Featured Article: “How does Mobile Learning Work?” explores
three aspects of m-learning: device, learner, and social aspects.
The concept of mobile learning is not only applicable to college
students through matriculation, but will be ever important as
they enter the workforce.
Call for Innovative Instructors
Are you using Mobile Learning, Wearable Technology, or any other Innovative
Learning Pedagogy? If so, we want to hear from you! Join our Faculty
Innovation in Teaching and Learning Showcase to be featured in our Spring
2014 Newsletter! Show our community “What You are Working With!”