call live and has a volunteer service they call H.A.N.K. (Houston
Area Network Knowledge). The HMC also directs calls to their
membership which in turn increases the member’s business
making this a win-win for all involved. In addition, the Chamber brings extra dollars into the community since visitors can
get tips on how to access everything Houston has to offer.
families and individuals with all facets of immigration issues
and has been doing so for a decade. Dustin has been recognized as a top immigration lawyer by Houstonia Magazine and
Chamber USA. He is a great leader and a wonderful resource
to Chamber members, especially since our city has become a
global, multinational magnet for business.
The Houston Metropolitan Chamber refers to certain members as Featured Partners because they have joined the Chamber to grow the community as well as their own businesses.
They are Badar Khan with Direct Energy, Dustin O’Quinn with
the Dustin O’Quinn Law Firm, Dr. Sandra Scurria with MDVIP,
and Zaid Sultan with Censere. These Featured Partners recognize that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the
community and that giving back will increase the growth of
their businesses as well.
Featured Partner, Dr. Sandra Scurria currently practices as a
concierge physician with MDVIP. Practicing medicine for more
than 30 years, Dr. Scurria maintains a smaller practice so she can
spend more time with patients, provide more personalized care,
and practice preventive medicine. The Chamber has a major focus on healthcare, especially since Dr. Sandra Scurria is the past
Board Chairman. She was instrumental in forming a program for
Chamber members who market healthcare-related services to
the 55 plus population which is a multibillion dollar industry. It
is called the Senior Services Alliance and it meets monthly for a
professional development presentation and networking.
Featured Partner, Badar Khan is the CEO of Direct Energy
and a recognized expert in the field of energy technology. Direct Energy is one of North America’s largest energy and energy-related providers with nearly five million residential and
commercial customer relationships. Headquartered in the
same building as the HMC in Greenway Plaza, Direct Energy
recognizes that most businesses including HMC members
have huge energy bills and the cost is second only to their payroll expenses. As a champion serving the HMC member’s diverse energy needs, Direct Energy helps them not only understand their energy usage better but empowers them to actively
reduce it in alignment with their business needs.
Featured Partner, Zaid Sultan is a Director with Censere and
joined the Chamber to build his network as he develops referrals for his company based in Hong Kong. He recognized the
value of the Chamber in establishing his company and himself
in the community. As a member, he was elected to the HMC
Board and now serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Chair of the International Affairs Council.
Censere offers valuation, forensics, research, and advice to
oil and gas companies, multinational companies, law firms, financial advisers, and anyone who requires sound, quality, and
Using their broad energy expertise and innovative energy independent advice. Censere has extensive coverage across
solutions, Direct Energy helps businesses [