Kenny Ozoude -
Eudora Healthcare
Good Service and Care –
The Perfect Fit for a Class Act
EUDORA HEALTH SYSTEMS - A model for integrated healthcare services built on a foundation of time-tested values with an eye on the future.
Focused on growth, Eudora Health Systems continues to break new ground in the development and expansion of its portfolio of healthcare facilities.
Photo by Rafael Saavedra
By Barbara R. Davis and Colleen O’Brien
udora Healthcare founder, Kenny Ozoude was always passionate about doing things to the best of
his ability, with good service and care. In addition,
he was extremely analytical about finding the perfect fit in a career that would incorporate his acumen for math and sciences. Each time he chose
a major in college that utilized his skills, he soon
found that they weren’t the right fit. Eventually, he
did find the perfect fit – the field of business. After acquiring
a degree in business, Kenny dove into it with fervor and class
but years later realized he had an entrepreneurial spirit and
that his true passion was in building businesses on his own!
Finally finding his true calling in life, the sky is the limit in his
success by developing a healthcare company based on good
service and care – the perfect fit for a class act.
Kenny Ozoude of Eudora Healthcare exudes confidence
and humility, all rolled into one. How is that possible in to6 SMALL BUSINESS TODAY MAGAZINE [ AUGUST 2015 ]
day’s highly competitive healthcare marketplace? Having an
MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University,
rated by Business Week as the number one business school in
the nation, may have a bearing on Kenny’s success. While at
Duke, he developed international business acumen, studying
in Shanghai, India, and Western Europe. In addition, he completed an executive education course at Harvard Business
School in Private Equity and Venture Capital.
When asked why his company’s name is Eudora, Kenny explained, “It is of Greek origin, meaning a cherished gift.” And
the key to his savvy business compassion may lie with Kenny’s mom. He says the biggest impact on him in his formative years was tagging along and observing his mom (a nurse
by profession) who opened up an agency that provided “early
intervention care for at risk youth”. She ran that for close to
sixteen years before retiring. Kenny was always interested in
what she did and would ask a lot of questions. Kenny’s father,