Making Your Company Presence
Known through Press Release Distribution
By Sandy Lawrence
o your company has a new product, a new
service, or a new campaign. You want to
tell the world about it. Right? How do you
let the public in on a great announcement,
specifically that part of the public who you consider your ideal customer or client?
Let’s say you invented a cool widget, you are introducing a new app, or you created a new logo
or phrase. You want your company and you to
get credit or be known for your creation so that
when someone talks about it, they think of you
and your company. What if this amazing new
product or service is not so unique or different
from what your competition is introducing? You
still want your company associated with a new
technology or development and you just cannot
find a way to do that. What should you do if the
competition in your industry is strong and it is
hard to gain recognition? What can you do?
You can very effectively use press releases,
media releases, or web content to brand your
company name, your product, or your service
and create an image within your buying audience’s mind, thereby creating a “buzz”. Companies frequently enhance their brand presence by
writing and distributing a press release to generate traffic to their websites, blogs, businesses,
or to their social media platforms. However,
simply distributing a press release is not sufficient to warrant traffic. The key is to saturate
your specific niche market with information
about your brand and your products and services. You can appear in every available media
outlet with your press release announcements.
You can also submit your press release through
channels that are not so obvious or popular, or
even those that your competitors may not have
thought of such as online and social media.
When you distribute your press releases frequently through media outlets, you are notifying potential customers, corporate advertisers,
and even competitors of your company’s progress. You also establish a presence that creates
a following for your product or service and for
your story. Although many companies would
prefer competitors not know their every move,
the only way that a press release can truly be effective is with frequent distribution through a
variety of channels. The more often a press release is distributed and the more press releases
that you send, the more association and significance they carry as a powerful branding and
marketing tool.
Customers and potential customers like to
know what is going on and to be apprised of
changes within a company they are following.
Very often, a company with a strong presence
communicates frequently through channels
that allow them to share information and news
developments from the company’s perspective.
Again, the frequency of the press release distribution is essential to ensure that this goal is met.
Press releases are most effective when they
are frequently in front of customers and customers can tell what direction the company is
headed. Their comfort and trust level is satisfied and their desire to buy from a company is
increased. Whenever there is a change of personnel or when the company experiences celebratory financial increases, press releases are
an optimal way to make your brand presence
known and to keep your name in front of your
customers. To maximize its use, consider press
releases as a powerful marketing resource that
can help build a base of loyal followers. SBT
Customers and potential
customers like to know
what is going on and
to be apprised of changes
within a company
they are following. Very
often, a company with
a strong presence
communicates frequently
through channels
that allow them to share
information and news
developments from the
company’s perspective.
Again, the frequency of
the press release
distribution is essential
to ensure that this
goal is met.
C.E.O & Founder of Perceptive Public Relations, Sandy Lawrence has over
30 years of experience in PR training & coaching, writing press releases,
and social media. In addition, she is an accomplished speaker and author of several books including “The Do It Yourself PR Guide” and “Soar 2
Success in Marketing: 58 tips to Getting the Word Out and Growing Your
Business”. You can contact Sandy by email at Sandy@PerceptivePublicRelations.com or visit her website at www.PerceptivePublicRelations.com.