Special Feature
HMSDC has developed programs like
Pathways to Excellence, MBE Accelerator,
CEO Academy, Supplier Idol, and Strategic
Teaming Alliances Practicum to develop
world-class suppliers that just happen to
be owned by minorities. With the addition
of these new programs and a consulting
department, MBEs are able to take advantage of a more deliberate, hands-on coaching, counseling, and support approach to
grow their business.
Pillar Three: Connect
As a premier sourcing organization for
major corporations, HMSDC helps MBEs
capitalize on change. HMSDC links minority businesses with major corporations,
their prime suppliers, and other minority
businesses in order to form strategic partnerships that bring a level of capacity large
enough to compete in a global market.
The Houston Minority Supplier Development Council’s EXPO provides face-to-face
connections between MBEs and more than
1,500 decision-makers from more than 200
exhibiting major corporations and government agencies. All underneath one roof,
MBEs have direct access to advocates and
decision-makers from corporations willing
to discuss their business opportunities and
to build relationships.
HMSDC also facilitates introductions
between the businesses to assist them in
meeting with targeted decision-makers,
the ones who will be most knowledgeable in the industries where they want to
make connections and conduct business
These relationships are nurtured in Industry Groups that meet monthly to discuss
opportunities, challenges and the best approach for decision makers. To date, the
Industry Groups formed are for Professional Services, Legal & Accounting, Construction, Technology, and Consulting.
Throughout the year, HMSDC connects
MBEs to key information and insight enabling them to bring better solutions to
the pressing problems of their current and
prospective customers. Information, insight, and relationships drive opportunity!
This can be evidenced by attending other
HMSDC events where businesses connect
and network, like the “Matchmaker Luncheons” and the “Scholarship Fundraiser
Golf Tournament.”
The Fourth Pillar: Advocate
Helping people understand the immense
importance of minority business development and the values that it provides to
customers, communities, cities, states, and
nations is one aspect of advocacy. The other aspect of advocacy is showing the entrepreneurs that they can accomplish what
they set out to do by doing things the right
way. At the HMSDC “Emerging-10 Awards,”
inspirational stories are shared by award recipients on how they have overcome obstacles, achieved success, and are giving back
to their communities. These stories create
excitement and gives others hope.
A corporate CEO in HMSDC remarked,
“Supplier diversity has grown from corporations helping MBEs to MBEs helping us.”
Everyone benefits from having full participation of MBEs in our economic system.
With the dramatic growth of “minorities”
in America (now comprising the majority
in a growing number of American cities
like Houston), the work of HMSDC is even
more important to keep cities like Houston
lively, fresh, and with a great quality of life.
HMSDC Staff from left Shalayna Williams, Ariel Skiba, Angela Freeman, Richard
Huebner, Robert Gonzalez, Tonganiki Garrett, Constance Jones, Dale Pierre.
For more information on how
the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council
can assist you in growing and making successful connections
for your business, contact them at 713-271-7805,
visit them on the Web at www.hmsdc.org ,
or email them at info@hmsdc.org.