5 Reasons to
Build a Better Culture
By Aimee Woodall
ulture’ is one of corporate America’s favorite buzzwords.
Like ‘synergy’ or ‘proactive’, this five-dollar word aims to
encompass all that makes a company special by showcasing things like break room Ping-Pong tables, complimentary gym memberships, and Fun Friday ice cream socials. Culture has become shorthand for perks but it shouldn’t
Perks are a great way to get new employees in the door. But
how do you keep them there? That’s what culture is for. Think
of it this way: Perks are your sizzle; culture is your steak. Culture is the environment you offer, the feedback you solicit, and
the comfort level your employees have in approaching you
with ideas. Beyond that, it shows your staff the flexibility, collaboration, and strength of purpose that you can offer them
long term.
You build a culture because you care about your people and
recognize that they are people! Employees need support, harmony, and autonomy in their work environment and the best
employers provide that because they are people too.
Still need a reason to start building a better company culture? Here are 5 business benefits you get when you put your
people first:
Employees who feel trusted and who are given opportunities
to grow tend to be a lot happier at work. They also stay put the
longest. Loyalty means much more than seeing the same faces
around the office. Tho ͔