»Continued From Page 10
Things I Have Learned in These 30 Years
It’s easy to fall into stereotyping others
through generational patterns. It’s flawed
to believe that generations based on their
general characteristics is an across-theboard characteristic of each individual.
People need to be managed based on
their individual contributions. Leveraging a
diverse work force to increase innovation
and high performance is the top-of-mind
internal roadmap of the company.
On a basic but dramatically important level,
my list of day-to-day tasks includes:
1. Being a fair leader.
2. Listening with an unbiased, open mind
and listening more than talking.
3. Showing honesty in all that I do and
expecting everyone in my company to
be trustworthy.
4. Leading by encouragement, not fear.
5. Leaving all negativity at home before
going to my business and then leaving
all my business issues at the office before going home at the end of the day.
6. Taking care of problems right away. Never putting off tomo- rrow what I can fix
today while it is still fresh on my mind.
7. Always genuinely praising others when
praise is due.
8. Demonstrating gratitude.
9. Always exemplifying the exce-llence of
the company.
10. Having a take-charge attitude. Being a
Captain Phillips!
11. Giving back, being generous.
»Continued From Page 13
The Houston Public Library
The People’s University
Leaders - answer their own emails and the
to offer a new family-centered
program over the next three
years at two HPL locations –
McCrane-Kashmere Gardens
Neighborhood Library and Carnegie Neighborhood Library
and Lifelong Learning Center.
“The attitude of the leader is the attitude
of the office, company, and tea