A Different Take on
By Mike Muhney
he word “hosting” has several definitions. Lately, with the shift toward
a high-tech focus, the word “hosting”
might conjure images of a server
farm with rows and rows of servers, network switches, and routers. Hosting might
bring to mind a medical scenario such as
the host of an implanted organ or a microorganism attacking its host. I’d like to
suggest another perspective a little more
applicable to business, and that is hosting
guests such as one might invite to an event.
In the sense of a business or networking event, hosting conveys possible gaiety, enjoyment, or even celebration of an
achievement or an acknowledgment of
some kind. Regardless of the reason for
the gathering, for an event to be categorized as such, there must be guests in
attendance. Whomever we choose to
invite plays a large part in the success of
the event.
Hosting Is an Investment
Those in your professional and personal
circles represent some of your most valuable assets, often referred to as social capital. The people in your networks and the
ways in which we all contribute to each
other can be measured, though not always
in monetary ways.
Few people understand the value of
hosting better than author Judy Robinett.
She is a renowned expert on the power
Those in your professional
and personal circles
represent some of your
most valuable assets, often
referred to as social capital.
of connecting with people. In her newest
book, “How to Be a Power Connector:
The 5-50-150 Rule for Turning Your Business Network into Profits” (McGraw-Hill,
Spring 2014), she addresses the value of
understanding relationships and the various networking elements of which they
are comprised. She also examines the
more crucial components of the relationship between whom you know and their
respective networks. As she states, “Relationships are about building connections
with others who must (emphasis added)
feel that you have their best interests at
heart, and vice versa.”
Hosting Is an Opportunity
Imagine yourself as the host of a grand
event. Now, imagine your guests, those
whom you’ve invited personally and those
they might have brought with them.
Each one represents potential: connections to be made, growth to be
achieved, new circles and networks of
friends, colleagues, and yes, perhaps even
customers. Imagine all of these possibilities all stemming from one spectacular
A thoughtful host judges the success
or failure of their events by the experience they were able to create for their
guests. Start thinking of your customers
as guests and the experience you want
to provide for them. Thinking of them in
this fashion should lead you through the
necessary steps to deliver a positive and
emotionally evocative experience. How
is this done? It’s not difficult but it does
require authenticity. Here are five ways
to conduct your business as if it were an
event your customers would be delighted
to attend:
1. Prioritize each guest’s personal expectations and experiences.
2. Demonstrate respect and courtesy at
all times.
3. Add a personal touch or detail wherever possible.
4. Equip your staff to act as gracious cohosts, prioritizing guests’ experiences.
5. Strive to make each individual feel like
a guest of honor or at the very least,
an important guest.
Hosting Is About People
How do you make the shift from simply
providing a product or service to thinking
of your business as hosting a series of enjoyable events? Start by giving a greater
emphasis to the relationship you’re building with customers. The goal changes
from a successful business transaction to
achieving a satisfied guest who walks away
from the first “event” already looking forward to the next one.
Here’s the bottom line: People matter. If your organization doesn’t already
have one, I suggest crafting a Relationship
Statement. Think “Mission Statement”
with a “people” focus. If you need some
inspiration, here’s my company’s relationship statement: “We believe in the infinite
potential of closer r [][ۜ