SBK Magny-Cours | Page 27

OFFICIAL PROGRAMME in the garages , whereas WorldSSP teams allocation is decided according to the team classification from the previous round ,” said David , as he travelled to Navarra four days before the race action would get underway . “ So for some WorldSSP Teams , we cannot decide if they will be allocated in the garage or in the paddock with their team tent until the previous event has been completed .” The WorldSBK teams and relevant WorldSSP teams are allocated space in the first draft of the paddock plan , if space allows , and then the WorldSSP300 teams are given their paddock spaces . Only at rounds with enough and big enough garages - Portimao , Motorland Aragon and Catalunya , for example - are many of the WorldSSP300 teams given a pitbox . With all the hard info about race unit sizes and tent footprints , and an understanding of what is needed at each individual round , the ‘ Paddock Team ’ led by Ferran Roger , then creates a first draft of the paddock plan . Even with all the inputs so far , nothing is set in stone quite yet . The importance of the first draft to what happens next is explained by David Bosser again . “ We share the first draft with our colleagues in Health & Safety , who simultaneously speak with their counterparts at the circuit in question in order to confirm that this first plan is OK according to Health & Safety Rules and local restrictions - evacuation lines , access to water hoses , fire extinguishers positions , etc . This a very important aspect and our company dedicates great efforts in order to make things as safe as they have to be . We have to consider that in one week , from a complete flat area we ‘ build ’ a ‘ city ’ where 1,200 people will work , eat , sleep , go to the toilet … And on Sunday afternoon it ’ s completely dismantled !” Bosser explained the next steps before arriving at the track , the ones that make all the plans a reality in space and time , even before the first vehicle appears on site . “ After the approval from Health & Safety ( with modifications if requested ), we continue with the plan on the AutoCad for the other structures and areas as mentioned before . We share this version of the layout ( let ’ s say it will be 80 % ‘ real ’) with the circuit , in order they can make their plans too . Fencing , power lines , rubbish containers , water , etc . And in case they need to arrange extra power generators to satisfy the teams necessities .” That is then it for the initial planning stage . “ Until this point , everything is quite easy , as all relies on the AutoCad ,” said Bosser . “ But then when we are on site at the circuit , and that is when the real action starts !” Once everything is planned out the real life of a WorldSBK weekend can begin . And it begins long before I imagined , to be honest , and I have been to every one of these races for over 20 years … With practice and race action from Friday to Sunday , the scale of the overall
“ We share the first draft with our colleagues in Health & Safety , who simultaneously speak with their counterparts at the circuit in question in order to confirm that this first plan is OK ”
WorldSBK on-site operation can be gleaned by the fact that the first four staff from the Paddock Team arrive at the circuit the previous Monday . Yes , Monday . Their first job is to transfer the dimensions on the AutoCad plan to real dimension on the ground - literally . “ It takes eight hours to do all markings ,” says Bosser . “ The Paddock Teams uses a laser wheel measuring device to fix all markings in the Paddock . We use a special wax to do all marks . Wax is useful when it rains , and we cannot use spray paint as the circuits don ’ t like it all .” The first items of transportable paddock ‘ furniture ’ to arrive on site are usually the biggest hospitality units . This year that means the Kawasaki Puccetti , Yamaha , BMW and Ducati units . This is only allowed on Monday afternoons after the paddock has been marked out , of course . At Most , however , it was Tuesday at 10am for the first hospitality trucks and then Tuesday 3pm for team trucks and certain technical suppliers ’ vehicles , the ones that were located behind the narrow pit garage strip of asphalt . Even that operation is a time and motion study in action , as each team is met in the ‘ Truck Holding Area ’ outside by one of the Paddock team , who will literally guide them into position . One-by-one , or if there is space , two-by-two . The smaller the available space the more skilful the truck driver needs to be , as everything simply has to be placed to the millimetre . More or less … Everything has to fit in for access and safety reasons - no excuses . This is also the day that the other main paddock structures are put into their correct spots . Wednesday is set-up day for the WorldSSP300 teams . The technical services trucks and units usually come in on Wednesdays . On Wednesday at 10am the teams and technical suppliers that are allocated space in the paddock area were allowed in , and sometimes the riders ’ motorhomes . There is a curfew on when the last vehicle is allowed in to the motorhome area . Thursday is the usual motorhome parking day , which is a special case anyway , as Bosser explains . “ In order to have an estimation of how many motorhomes will attend each round , same as with team structures , we ask each Team Manager to which events their rider will attend with a motorhome ,” said Bosser . “ So we have an estimation of the necessary space to accommodate their needs . The Motorhome area is reserved for riders only - with the sole