annual report
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Homeland Security
Grant Program
The Office of Emergency Services (OES) is responsible for the
management of the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) for
the operational area of San Bernardino County. Through coordination with the Approval Authority, the grant award is allocated
among local jurisdictions, law enforcement and fire agencies,
twenty-four cities/towns and other local agencies for planning,
training/exercise and equipment projects that meet the objectives
and strategies of HSGP.
The 2013 HSGP allocation of $1,977,820 represented an increase
of $368,183 from the previous year’s allocation. The 2013
HSGP has enabled local fire jurisdictions, including County Fire,
to purchase portable radios, chargers, batteries and Jaws of Life
extrication equipment to meet HSGP’s objectives to guard against
terrorism, respond to other catastrophic events and to improve
readiness, response and recovery from disasters.
Emergency Management Program
The San Bernardino County emergency management community
has completed various planning, equipment and training projects
with funding from the 2013 Emergency Management Program
Grant (EMPG). For 2013, the County applied for, and was awarded
$547,610 in grant funding. Under EMPG funding, OES completed
the Hazard Mitigation Plan for the City of San Bernardino, while
the Public Information Officer - Joint Information Center/System
workshop provided hands-on training in gathering, writing, production, analysis, and dissemination of emergency public information.
Local jurisdictions completed numerous other projects under this
grant. HSGP and EMPG continue to provide funding for essential
projects for emergency management and disaster-preparedness
and mitigation for the County.
Assistance to Firefighter Grants
The City of Victorville and County Fire were awarded two Assistance
to Firefighter grants totaling nearly $550,000 by the U.S. Fire
Administration. The Victorville City Council continues to place a
high priority on public safety and is being rewarded for such. A
majority of these grants are awarded for safety equipment such
as protective clothing and breathing apparatus. However, in this
case, due to the City of Victorville’s dedication to public safety,
especially during the economic downturn and their com