SayIt Magazine Volume 1 | Page 5

Fusce id volutpat nisl. Vestibulum a orci augue. Donec pretium luluy fringilla vulputate. Integer uteriu enim pulvinar sem semper gutyrt ullamcorper. Maecenas at justoer viverra, vehicula odio at, tempust erat. Nulla condimentum at felisr sit amet viverra. Aliquam eratdhjj volutpat. Morbi velit metus, sodjj ales ac urna sit ame hendrerit.




What really caught my attention was the noise. I noticed that while some people were making the noise, some people were the cause i.e, creating it. Each house was represented by athletes and cheerers - the noise makers. The question is which would you like to be , the maker or the creator? Do you want to invent, birth ideas or other remarkable achievements that would cause your generation to make noise or do you want to celebrate the achievements of others. There is something in you that your generation is waiting for. Make a decision today to affect people and contribute to your world. Be a noise creator not a noisemaker.