Savile Row Style Magazine Spring 2017 Spring 2017 | Page 27

Talk to us today and bring your vision to life cellarmaison . com | 020 3633 3286 | info @ cellarmaison . com


The combination of good friends , good food and good wine is one that is hard to beat . As more of us choose to entertain at home with private chefs and food delivery services making up for our shortage of culinary skills , wine storage has come out of the musty cave-like dwellings of the past and into being centre stage in our homes .
making the decision to commission a bespoke wine cellar , pod or wall for your home will involve entering into a relationship that will last for a number of months . Your initial enquiries will involve conversations about the type of space you have , the style and tone of your intended room and the specifics of your wine collection . it will then move onto conversations on how you intend to use your wine cellar , pod or wall . for example is it intended for simply the storage and laying down of wine or will you want to entertain in your space ? by the time your final design has been created and approved you will have considered the details of style , lighting , materials and finishes . if you do not consider yourself a creative the process of creating in collaboration with designers , engineers and craftsmen can be one of the most satisfying and engaging experiences that you can undertake as you are expertly guided to make decisions that result in an aesthetically pleasing and fully functioning home for your wine .
ExpErt craftsmanship | Luxurious matEriaLs and finishEs | intEgratEd Lighting framELEss gLass waLLs | abovE or bELow ground | frEE consuLtations

Talk to us today and bring your vision to life cellarmaison . com | 020 3633 3286 | info @ cellarmaison . com