Savile Row Style Magazine Spring 2017 Spring 2017 | Page 22

Stephen Venn
Savile Row is one of the last jewels in the British industry ’ s crown that is known throughout the world as a centre of excellence . As long as people with a vested interest treat it so and not as a museum piece or a branding exercise , long may it live , giving youngsters a chance to perfect their skills that will serve Britain ' s craftsmanship industry for many years to come . W
Christopher Bull
It ’ s a shame as the individuals who abuse the trade falsely represent an industry that has been built over 200 years of excellence . To dishonestly advertise credentials to potential Savile Row and to make substandard garments that are not reflective of a Savile Row experience is not only audacious but quite sad as it undermines the genuine aspects of the trade . All I can hope is that over time people will eventually see through this and get to experience the real deal in an industry that has worked hard to maintain the quality and prestige it deserves . W