SAVIC | Page 2

Biological and scientifical characteristics As the lake is very close (almost in touch) to the sea, its water is sub-saline. Old fishermen, lived in the area around the lake, described it as a very clear lake, with continuously renewed clear waters containing large populations of fish, mainly grey mullets, basses, eels etc. But these descriptions are quoted only for the period before 1950’s, decade when the surrounding the lake area became an industrial one. Since then the small ecosystem became fragile. The quality of the lake’s water is not so much degraded but there are problems with the sediment, which toxicity is due to chemicals and petroleum products as well as drainage from scrap heap. The sediment is also plenty of degraded organic matter. The O2 concentration diminish and the acidity increases. Toxic H2S and NH3 leading to death of lots of fish. Pollutants from the sediment enter the food chain through aquatic plants rooted in it. But the lake ecosystem is resisting! In the coastline there are reeds, sedges etc. and a small eucalyptus forest. There are fish, mainly grey mullets and a lot of birds like seagulls, Eurasian Coots, Ardeidae & Egretta, swans in some cases etc. Social and cultural aspects Koumoundourou Lake is a small and polluted lake in South Attica, near an industrial area but it is a Lake, something seldom for Attica environment. It was a place of historical as well as archaeological importance. After 1974 the area has been characterized as an archaeological site. It has also been characterized as an urban park and inhabitants from the surrounding areas started taking it into account and trying for its sustainable development. So far, it’s a long way to its ecosystem preservation but… there is progress! Schools from the surroundings started to implement educational projects concerning the lake’s history, mainly and also biochemical properties (in as many cases as it is feasible –it is usually difficult for young students of lower secondary education –Gymnasium– schools). Translation by Thedoris Orinos