Save The Cowboy 1 Spring 2016 | Page 2

Part 3 H Risen e is risen from the dead. He has conquered sin. He is resurrected! This isn't a CSI mystery or even a medical miracle. This isn't someone dead for a few moments, or frozen in hypothermia for a few hours. This is someone brutally beaten after great physical and emotional stress and fatigue. Then he was hung on a cross, nails through hands and feet, slash in his side. DEAD. DEAD. In the tomb for 3 days. In the warmth of a middle Eastern spring. DEAD. ...and yet NOT DEAD! But RISEN! Jesus rose again! Just as He promised! Empty tomb, stone rolled away, angel declaring His glory! RISEN! This is God's mystery! This is Jesus' gift to us eternal life through Him. The price paid, the sin washed away, cast away. GONE. FOREVER! Can you imagine, even on a small scale, the degree of shock and surprise as the women not only found a stone rolled away but were greeted by empty burial cloths and a shining angel. An angel with a heavenly grin declaring victory. Was this one of the angels who stood in mournful attendance as Jesus struggled with our weight on that Good Friday? Perhaps! Shanyn Silinski So unworthy and yet so loved. Chosen, redeemed and loved. How humbling and joyful this Sunday is. I'd like to share this video, and wonderful song on this glorious Sunday morning. Be brightly blessed, always and in all ways. More than 2,000 people from Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas, gathered at Discovery Green in the heart of Houston to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The purpose of Dance Your Shoes Off! was to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ in a powerful and celebratory way. Most importantly, each participant left a new pair of shoes on the field for those in need. These shoes will be given to local mission agencies, including Star of Hope, individuals all across the world through our mission partners and mission trips. This song is available at iTunes. Parts 1 and 2 were published via email, if you would like to recieve a copy, please email [email protected]. Can you imagine the scale of the victory that an empty tomb, vacant burial cloths and an angel in attendance? It blows my mind! All of that for us! And there was a LOT of THAT wasn't there? A lot of sin, a lot of bloodshed and a lot of human nature...that crushing weight that Jesus bore! For us. Created by God. Led by sin. Not even enough faith to be the same size as a mustard seed and yet worthy. 2