am excited to apply for t he Masters of Fine Ar ts program
in Design Management, seeking the environment and
education to create meaningful, wise design. The program’s
interdisciplinar y studies present a synergetic oppor tunity
for designers to be prepared, perceptive, and expansive in
t heir craf t. I belong in t his community; Savannah College
of Ar t and Design is where creative intellect is understood,
suppor ted, and cultivated.
My niche is in Communication Design. This design discourse
empowers t he transmission of information, creating visual
data and perceptible stor ytelling by bridging a stimulus
to a message. Studying Design Management is the perfect
j u n c t u r e b e t w e e n a v o c a t i o n a n d a c a r e e r.
I have had my sights hear t set on t his program for years;
in t he interim ref ining my intent as a creative professional.
comparable program, Design Thinking. This proved to be a
favorable experience, conf irming my interest in t he study of
design, from rhetoric to application. I am a great candidate
for your program because I am briefed and committed to t he
studies. There is a calling for for ward-thinking professionals,
a responsibility to dilate the public’s perspective and supply
creative strategizing. No ot her sc hool accomplishes t his;
SCAD is structured to equip t he clever and t he ar tistic.
I plan to work wit h lifestyle and clot hing brands, managing
t he creative direction in the process between the brand and
t h e b u y e r.
My goal is to compliment the character of a
product with communication design- taking an identity to
market. I know t hat t he instruction and suppor t of a sc hool
specif ically geared for creative professions is t he education
and edge I need to pursue my endeavors. Save me a seat ; I
am prepared to t hrive wit h t he resources of your classrooms.