Saudi Aramco: The Future of Oil and Gas - GineersNow Petroleum Saudi Aramco, The Future of Oil & Gas Industry | Page 31

The GE Difference: The Predix-Engineering Nexus It is no surprise that GE is stepping up to lead the world through the industrial Internet age, with its wealth of industrial domain knowledge, its fabled history of innovation and determination. “For you to make any meaningful insights out of the data that you store and capture, and to know what software analytics you need to develop and to draw sound decisions, you need the technical domain expertise of engineers,” says Boufarah. “For example, if you are receiving data from a compressor offshore platform, and you want to compare the same compressor with the best-in-class compressors in other parts of the world, domain expertise will be required from deep technical compression experts. So engineers are going to continue to play a major, rather a more significant, role in the business.” This marriage between a proprietary industrial Internet platform and immense engineering domain expertise is, in Boufarah’s opinion, what differentiates GE from the other players in the Internet market, and what will catalyze the continuous development of Predix. “Today we have close to 20,000 developers coding apps on this platform. By 2020, we expect to have around 100,000. The reason why developers are interested in coding apps for Predix is that it applies across all of GE’s infrastructure business: aviation, power, healthcare, oil & gas and energy connections. That is a unique technical advantage that we bring in terms of the open architecture platform.” No More Perfect Time than Now With oil trading at USD 50 a barrel, Boufarah believes that there is no more perfect time for industries, like oil & gas, to embrace digital transformation than now. As the consumer Internet bridges millions of people, the industrial Internet will connect billions of machines to harvest and analyze data and optimize assets and enterprises. Thus, industrial Internet technologies, like Predix, hold the real potential to help industries and companies learn from their operational history, take the challenges of today and create solutions for tomorrow. Oil & Gas Leaders • April 2017 29