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at Pacific Petroleum Recovery Alaska, has produced many inventions all of which have videos posted on his website. Among them is what he calls as the Otter Skimmer. It has two versions: the Sea Otter Series and the River Otter Series. The former weighs 1,200 pounds, which fits in 4 full-sized fish totes and deploys in 2 hours or less; while the latter is less than 500 pounds, able to fit in 1 fish tote, and can be operated on a long- term basis with minimal staff. It works by throwing to the ocean to gather the oil and get it into the device on board, which separates the oil from water and pumps it into a storage container. Its inventor believes that it is more efficient, at 98% oil recovery efficiency, than the equipment response teams used in cleaning up oil spills. Matt Melton, the general manager of an oil spill response team based in Anchorage called the Alaska Chadux Corporation, agrees. However, it is unfortunate that Melton cannot endorse Kennedy’s equipment. There are existing oil spill cleanup equipment that meet all the requirements. Plus, oil spill response teams like Melton’s have grown to their use. Melton is not disqualifying the greatness of the Otter Skimmer. He says that it might come in handy on certain oil spills. “If I had an oil spill tomorrow and I called Kevin and he had one sitting on his shelf, I’d take it in a second,” says Melton. For now, Kennedy keeps on improving and developing his oil spill cleaning devices until he gets the nod of the response teams, especially Melton. Oil & Gas Leaders • April 2017 47