Saudi Aramco: The Future of Oil and Gas - GineersNow Petroleum Saudi Aramco, The Future of Oil & Gas Industry | Page 29

Leveraging the Power of Prediction Industrial assets, like engines, locomotives and wind turbines generate terabytes of data on a daily basis, but only two percent of that is being utilized in conventional operations. Today, analytics and software technologies are being developed and increasingly made available to capture, store and analyze this data and draw insights from it to optimize operations, enhance efficiency and productivity and, ultimately, improve the profitability and safety of businesses around the world. GE is at the forefront of innovating how people and businesses use data and analytics to drive better economic and operational outcomes. It all starts with Predix, GE’s proprietary industrial Internet operating system. “We are the first company,” says Ed J. Boufarah, Vice President (Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and Pakistan) for Digital Solutions at GE Oil & Gas, “to develop an industrial operating system with an open architecture platform. The idea is that this operating system will apply for all of our infrastructure businesses, be it aviation, healthcare, power or oil & gas.” Just as iOS on iPhones or Android on other phones are mobile platforms that run myriad applications for various functions, Predix is an industrial platform that can run applications for the industrial world. It enables an ecosystem of services to allow applications to be easily and quickly developed to run on it. “Predix”, says Boufarah, “when coupled with cloud computing, gives you a combination whereby you have an open architecture platform and a cloud platform that can store and manage data in a cost-effective way.” GE, then, expertly analyzes the captured data with its globally recognized domain expertise to draw insights and make decisions to improve productivity, efficiency and safety for its own and its customers’ assets. “This is where GE differentiates itself from the competition,” adds Boufarah. “When we take the data from our machines, we know the data science of that machine and we know what software analytics need to be coded so we can draw insights from the data.” Oil & Gas Leaders • April 2017 27