Why meditate ?
On a meditation session
you will be approached
by judgmental
thoughts, do not be
quick to brush them
“This noise is
annoying”, “Why is it
so loud?”, “Well there is
a purpose for it”, “Why
does it bother me?”, “It’s
ok if I don’t understand
it”, “Does the unknown
scare me to the point of
neglecting inevitable
things?”, “Maybe I
should let it be, hear the
noise and embrace it, let
it be part of my now”.
We analyze a though,
we question it, and
we reach a
conclusion that can
help us be mentally
healthier – this is
Why meditate? There is
no need to live in an
angry, envy,
competitive, stressful,
anxious, poisonous,
conflictive, victimized,
depressive mind. If
you can better your
mind, you can better
your life.