Sativa Magazine Colors&Chakras | Page 10

Colors & Chakras In chakras: guts) – stomach ; Red is connected to the roots, the pillar, instincts, safety and also impacts sexuality (well, it should, if we are awake living, then our roots should be connected to who we love, what we love, and how we love) – foot ; Green is connected to love (heart matters), openness, acceptance of others, selfless love for all (familiar? Yes, this one is right in your heart, do you own a green bra? You should, well if you do – you can use it every time you are heartbroken.) – heart ; Orange is connected to your own place, your body, compassion, procreation, creativity, I say this your thrown (look within yourself, when you sit, you don’t sit only in a chair, floor, pillow, bed, you sit on yourself) – hips ; Blue is connected to existence, calmness, truth, communication, listening, independence, expression, understand and be understood (n e c k, are you having trouble with your truth? Not too late to get a blue turtleneck or a blue scarf) – throat ; Yellow is connected to the “I”, self- esteem, willpower, you as an engine moving through this world (I don’t need to tell you this is all about Indigo is connected to k n o w l e d g e, ah yes, the color of the night representing intuition, imagination, inner peace, well this one belongs to a #3 place you guys don’t like to talk about, third eye is between your eyebrows (if you have a monobrow, I guess your third eye is not really opened is it?) – forehead? Last but not least, Violet is connected to faith, the higher it gets the less logical right? But truth is, faith is powerful, and when this one is aligned, even the people you work with / study with, you understand their terrible attitude (this is a tough color to connect to, welcome to reality). – above head!