Students who are considering dropping courses should first
consult their advisor and financial aid counselor since dropping
courses may affect your aid.
Undergraduate students must complete 67 percent of the total
credit hours attemped, including transfer credits.
0.67 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours an
undergraduate student must earn
Example 1: Student attempts 63 hours and earned 48 hours
0.67 x 63 = 42 hours
This student HAS met SAP standards for PACE.
Example 2: Student attempts 118 hours and earned 78 hours
0.67 x 118 = 79 hours
This student HAS NOT met SAP standards for PACE.
Graduate students must complete 80 percent of the total credit
hours attempted, including transfer credit hours.
0.80 x Attempted Hours = The minimum hours a graduate
student must earn
Example: Student attempts 20 hours and earns 19 hours
0.80 x 20 hours = 16 hours
This student HAS met SAP standards for PACE.