Notes from the Curator
However, as I listened to Dr Yeoh discourse at length about how he had conceptualized
the theme and idea, I began to see how my personal strengths and interests could fit
into his vision of the school magazine. The magazine, he explained, would function as
a sort of retrospective window into the School’s transformation over the past 10 years.
“A sort of metamorphosis, if you will” he said in my office that afternoon. “As editor,
you can have creative freedom over the interpretation of that idea.” The job was
therefore less about “editing” the personal memoirs, recollections, and anecdotes
of former staff and students, as much as it was about curating the content of the
magazine, and coming up with an overall design and layout for the end product.
Throughout his time with the School, Dr. Yeoh had amassed a formidable collection
of contacts, photographs, and other sources that eventually made their way
(in one form or another) into the magazine. 1
“Well… I’ll think about it”
“And you can include some of your drawings of butterflies,” he added.
“Oh!!! Alright then, you can count me in!” 2
The promise of being able to incorporate my love for butterflies into the project was
my proverbial carrot on a stick, and you will find scattered throughout the entire
publication, multiple butterfly and natural history motifs. Many of these I have created
I was lured into this monumental task with the promise of
butterflies. It sounds strange, I know, but I assure you that
those who know me are probably nodding their heads in
understanding right about now. Like myself when I was
first approached by Dr. Yeoh Seng Guan, they are probably
wondering how on earth my own interests align with the
prospect of filling in the role of curator of the School of Arts
and Social Sciences 10th Anniversary commemorative
magazine. Indeed, despite the considerable amount
of time I spend writing - and teaching creative and
experimental writing strategies to undergrad students -
most of the people close to me would also be aware of
the fact that I do not consider myself a particularly talented
or proficient writer. Surely, there were better candidates
for the position!