SASS 10th Anniversary V1 | Page 53

Sometimes I wonder if I should have pursued a profession closer to what I had studied, take my love for writing and creativity to publish a book, or work in an advertising agency or be a marketing guru. I thought that having a corporate life would slowly take that away from me but it doesn’t have to. What I did realize is that creativity springs in all forms. To think out of the box when I write an email to a client, or to suggest a new way of making the company culture better, or even in small ways at home like rearranging furniture to create more space. We can always deconstruct, construct and bring in something new. Our friendships also grew stronger during study trips and outings where Dr Yeoh made it possible. Whether it was helping the Burmese community in KL, or our hearts being touched bythe local communities in the Philippines and Cambodia, we learnt more about ourselves even as we learnt more about their situation. It still brings me to tears when I think about a high school we visited in Sagada , which we were told only had one computer for a class of nineteen, only to find they had prepared a table full of treats for our visit. I learnt that giving is receiving. We had little pocket money back then as students but everyone managed to pull in some cash to donate to the school. In another 10 years’ time, when I look back at life – at my hourglass – I hope each grain of sand is a fulfilled one that carries the most memories it could hold, just like my time at SASS. If we can’t make time stand still, who said we have to stick to the same hour glass? No matter if you are a first year or a final year student, or looking for a career change, just pause. Travel. Explore. Imagine. Taste the sand in your mouth. You will find yourself a larger hourglass and continue the life journey with a bigger heart, wider arms and hopefully a heavier grain of sand. We went places and special guests came to visit. Once, we had a session with Lat, the Malaysian cartoonist. It was a pleasant surprise for something I thought I would only see on the shelves and I admired how he expressed so much with so little ink. SASS was a place to construct and deconstruct, to put thoughts to action, and ideas to film, to explore on foot and from within. I have countless memories, of laughs, whispers, adventures, as well as friendships that have lasted until this very day. An outing to a Burmese community in Kuala Lumpur (2008). ▶ 53 ▲ Listening to Lat! (2008) Mindy graduated in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Communication and Writing. She currently works as a senior recruiter for a global beauty brand. With student-travellers and student-guides from the University of the Philippines Baguio in Sagada during ISO Baguio & Sagada study trip (2007). ▼ The curriculum taught me perseverance – there were times when I had to get through challenging topics and exams but I gained meaningful friendships through it all. Thanks to coursework and assignment deadlines where we had to pull together our brains and help one another to digest information, reflect, review and brainstorm new ideas. And yes, I was one of those last-minute writers where inspiration flowed at 4:00pm the day before assignments were due then pulled an all-nighter, regardless if it was a 1000 or 2000 words essay. As the deadlines drew closer, it became the center of our cafeteria conversations.