SASL Newsletter - Winter 2018 Issue Issue 12 - Winter 2018 | Page 13

Tell Your Story Rosa Lee Timm created a type of signed music performance in 2014 that included some of the visual music properties in her Tell Your Story piece. In this performance, she performed signed lyrics underwater with moving air bubbles surrounding her. The moving bubbles were used as visual effects, which were pleasing to watch. The signed lyrics she used are the center of her performance whereas the bubbles movement part is an additional artistic feature in her piece. In comparison, hearing musicians might sing lyrics that are complimented by musical visual effects as found in many videos. Please see Cripps and Lyonblum, 2017 in the first issue of the Society for ASL Journal for further discussion on the differences between visual music and signed music concerning deaf performers. The Power of ASL 13 Winter 2018 – Issue 12