Federal government considers making sign language Canada ’ s third official language
First deaf faculty member at RIT / NTID to appear on stamp Published on November 28 , 2016
Metro Deaf School to make history with Chinese sign language Published on November 27 , 2016
ASU ’ s American Sign Language Club connects Deaf and hearing students Published on November 22 , 2016
Continued from page 4
I will close by saying that Dr . Cripps has already made a call for papers for the SASL Journal ' s second issue to come out during the summer time ( see http :// www . societyforasl . org / call-forpapers . html ). Please think about this opportunity for yourself . We welcome and encourage our members to consider submitting to this much needed journal effort !
Reprints from All Over the Place
Federal government considers making sign language Canada ’ s third official language
Published on December 2 , 2016
http :// news . nationalpost . com / news / canada / documents-show-federal-officials-looked-at-new-official-language-sign-language
First deaf faculty member at RIT / NTID to appear on stamp Published on November 28 , 2016
http :// www . rbj . net / article . asp ? aID = 237119
Metro Deaf School to make history with Chinese sign language Published on November 27 , 2016
http :// www . startribune . com / metro-deaf-school-to-make-history-with-chinese-sign-language / 403290496 /
ASU ’ s American Sign Language Club connects Deaf and hearing students Published on November 22 , 2016
http :// www . statepress . com / article / 2016 / 11 / spcampus-life-american-sign-language-club
According to Baker-Shenk and Cokely ( 1980 ), “ approximately 60 % of the signs in American Sign Language seem to be related to signs in French Sign Language [ LSF ]” ( p . 52 ). One example is the sign SEARCH ’ s ‘ C ’ handshape that refers to the initial of the French equivalent ‘ chercher ’. Initialization of signs was part of the eighteenth century French educators ’ attempt to manipulate LSF to correspond with the French language .
The Power of ASL 5 Winter 2016 – Issue 4