SASL Newsletter - Summer 2016 Issue | Page 5

(Continued from page 4) The MLA’s Mission The Modern Language Association (MLA) promotes the study and teaching of languages and literatures through several avenues. The MLA “facilitates scholarly inquiry in and across periods, geographic sites, genres, languages, and disciplines in higher education that focus on communication, aesthetic production and reception, translation, and interpretation” (click here for the MLA mission statement). The Modern Language Association of America was founded in 1883. MLA is believed to be one of the world’s largest scholarly associations; it has approximately 25,000 members in 100 countries. MLA hosts an annual convention. From left to right: Presenters Dr. JMatt Searls, Dr. Samuel Supalla, Dr. Deirdre Schlehofer, Norma Tourangeau, and Dr. Russell Rosen at the MLA convention in Austin, Texas on January 9, 2016 The Power of ASL 5 Summer 2016 – Issue 2