SASL Newsletter - Fall 2018 Issue Issue 11 - Fall 2018 | Page 7

and researchers alike. This book has triggered multiple scholarly publications that focus on the unique socio-linguistic phenomenon where everybody knows how to sign, not just deaf people that is commonly found on the American mainland. Last, I wanted to highlight some historically significant dates for the deaf community, and use my distinctive signing style to captivate the Martha's Vineyard audience. The setting for this epic spans 1817 through 1880. The story begins highlighting a fictional character, a boy who serves as the protagonist. The boy grows up on Martha's Vineyard and attends the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. Historically, real characters (such as Laurent Clerc) and events are conveyed in the epic. The Martha's Vineyard storyline centers on the clash of ideologies that emerged between the island and the American mainland. The protagonist, a bright, but underappreciated and faithful hero must navigate the turbulent years from 1817 through 1880. Unique to this epic is my focus on the conflict between Martha's Vineyard and the American mainland. Thus, it is my intention to revisit our history through a literary perspective. The response from the audience has been excellent, which prompts me to think about producing a video of myself doing Martha's Vineyard and creating an accompanying study guide. I need to remind the readers of this newsletter that my creation of Martha's Vineyard was not easy. It took six months of reading and making notes from history books. I had to create one part after the other with extensive videotaping in my private studio. I was able to review myself for editing purposes. This is how I was able to develop the longest ASL rendition of any work that I know, which is 65 minutes. Accompanying this President's Note are photos of the Canadian event that should give readers an idea of the event. I thank the ASL Community of Niagara and the Deaf Culture Centre for granting me permission to publish photos in this newsletter for the readers' benefit. Dr. Andrew Byrne’s Interview with the Performer The Power of ASL 7 Fall 2018 – Issue 11