Sasaran 74th Edition SASARAN EDISI 74 (20FEB18) | Page 26

Dating back to the time of the Second World War in 1942, the Rohingyas were known for their allegiance towards the Allies rath- er than the Axis particularly the Japanese. The occupation of the Japanese in Burma were support- ed by the Myanmar Nationalists. This already causes tension between the Myanmar people and the Rohingya community. Howev- er, due to the successful occupation in Burma by the Japanese, attacks were made between the two par- ties. The Myanmar or rather Bur- man nationalist at the time attacked the Karen and Indian communities across Burma, while the Rohingyan villagers too launched an offensive attacking one another causing the displace of the Buddhist to the south and Muslims to the north of the Ra- khine state. Many fled the war, espe- 26 . SASARAN JURNAL KRITIKAN MEDIA cially the Rohingya villagers fleeing into Bengal by crossing the border with as many as 22,000 people. After the end of the Sec- ond World War and Independence in 1950, the Rohingya community requested for an autonomous state from the Myanmar government as promised by the British during their occupation. They offered a proposal to push for the integra- tion of the Maungdaw and Buthid- aung now known as East Pakistan. However, the Myan- mar government decided to re- ject the proposal and escalate the tension by labelling them as illegal immigrants. This in the end causes an uprising by the Rohingyans, pushing their agenda and calling it a Jihad making them as the Mujahids.