Courageous human resourcing
decisions need to be made to
change the current lookalike lineup
of captains of business and transform
and diversify SA’s executive level
status quo.
A 21st century business mindset requires leaders who can
manage rapid and sometimes unpredictable change. Today’s
leaders need to find new ways to solve challenges, innovate,
excite and inspire a workforce.
Yet, in appointing executives, fear seemingly hampers the ability
to move beyond the type cast. Some businesses would sooner
risk a potential leadership vacuum than implement their intentions
to broaden executive level appointees.
To mitigate against this and reduce the risk of selecting new-style
candidates who may not fit the old-style mould, the guesswork
needs to be eliminated. Facts which are presented on head
hunted candidates, sourced, assessed and secured by specialists
like Jack Hammer provide reliability.
MD, Jack Hammer
Executive Headhunters