Sarah Springer - Regenerative Filmmaker Profile | Page 2


When Weeds Invade the Land

" When I was asked to go to Ketchum , Idaho , to be the first Black writer-in-resident at Ernest Hemingway ’ s home , I didn ’ t know much about his legacy , but I could not wait to go . Finally , I ’ d be alone to write peacefully , and uninterrupted . That is until strange things began to happen inside , eventually putting me face to face with the deceased literary hero and his family in what would be eight days of haunting chaos in the fight for space .
I felt a bit uneasy while there , and in the days that followed , I was surprised by visibly large handprints plastered on the inside of the glass windows ( I took photos as evidence of my sanity ).
And as if not weird enough , I would later be asked , “ CAN WE SHARE SPACE ?,” by Hemingway , his wife and Trans daughter , Gloria . A very poignant question in a time when space and ownership of space is being examined at increased rates . From there , I would have no other choice but to engage in hopes of easing their angst so I could complete my residency without fear , and what I learned about myself and the dualities of human nature ( even beyond the grave ), I will never forget .
I have spent most of my career working in white-male-dominated media spaces , often interrupted by bias , unbalanced power dynamics , and a desire for control . I think often of my role as a Black woman in America is often without the disruption of white men in times that beg for autonomy . I want to write and direct a film about my experience in the legend ’ s home to shine a light on the illusory nature of physical space as it relates to creation and land ownership , to answer the vital question of whether it is actually possible for us to coexist in an America often driven by divide ." ~ Sarah Springer
To support Sarah and other regenerative filmmakers : regenimpactmedia . com / mothers-of-film /
regenimpactmedia . com