Why Sarah?
Well pretty much everyone knows the story of Sarah and Abraham. In Genesis chapter 18, Sarah birthed a child at 90 years old. She was well beyond her child bearing years. At that age, your children are grown and having children of their own. She thought is was too late, but God blessed her with a son.
I like Sarah am birthing a baby in my old age. No, it's not a physical baby.
I'ts vision! Most women in my age group have retired or are
about to retire. They have accomplished their dreams and goals.
For many years I have tried to reach my goals. Like Sarah who was barren all those years, my life has been the same when trying to achieve my dreams and goals. Think of how Dscouraged Sarah was. In her discouragement, she even had her handmaid birth a child for her. Still that wasn't satisfying . Like Sarah, I felt so discouraged. Yes I even looked for people to help me birth my baby(visions). I was not satisfied. In my prayer time one morning. I was at the point of just giving up. All my friends were or had accomplished their goals. Here I sat with nothing happening in my life. It was then that God spoke to
me and said Sarah.
I researched Sarah and realized that even though she was beyond child bearing years, God still blessed her with what he had promised. In my old age , my vision is now being birthed. (continued on next page)
PHIL. 4:13