in doing what is right. The Bible says, when I would do good, evil is always present. We must do right regardless. Our walk with God is dependent upon the choices we make. I believe that Balaam went with the intentions of hoping that God would allow him to take what King Balak had offered him without any repercussion. How foolish we become when we think that God is going to allow us to continue in sin that grace may abound. Never will God say, “okay you can do it this one time”, but don't think that I will turn my back on it next time.
Balaam was one who looked the part, dressed the part, and at times even spoke the part. You know the one who the Bible says (2Tim 3:5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. Make sure that your motives are right. God knows your heart. You may think you are fooling others and they can't see what your motives are, but be sure of this, God knows, and he will render(give back) to every man according to what he has done. So often we act first, and think about the consequences later, but if we would take the time to think about the consequences that follow, we'd save ourselves from a lot of grief. The decisions we make not only affect us, but others as well. So the next time someone asks you to do something that may be contrary to God's word, think about the consequences that may follow, is it worth it? Do I value my relationship with God, or am I just using Him to get what I want? Your intentions may be good, but your motive may be wrong. We tend to make decisions according to our emotions. Our emotions are unbalanced, and should never be used as a source to complete a decision. Balaam's relationship with God was for personal gain. He had no interest in the things of God. When a person does not have knowledge of the one true living God, he will have a mis-guided view of who God is, and think that it is absolutely okay to do whatever they want. There has been far to many Christians that have compromised their walk with God, don't be one of them. -
1ne Accord
Min. Lena J. Dixon